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Mon, 20 Dec, 2021

Poetry Writing for Kids: Why and How to Teach Children This Artistic Pursuit.

Writing poetry is a creative venture that not many of us pursue. It may be because we don’t think of ourselves as ‘writers’ or just because we are so busy. And when it comes to teaching children to write poetry, it is all the more daunting. The truth is that even though writing poetry seems like a complicated creative endeavor, it doesn’t have to be.

Why Should Kids Write Poetry?

A lot of young people today perceive poetry as a lost art. But in the age of diminishing attention spans and falling patience levels, writing poetry can be a great way to slow down and introspect. Children who learn to read or write simple poems open up a beautiful world of self-expression, new perceptions, and new insights.

Some Poetry-Types That Kids Enjoy Writing

Not all kinds of poetry writing are easy to teach. When teaching poetry writing to kids for the first time, choose poetry they are likely to enjoy reading and writing. Here are some types of poetry that children find engaging -

Rhyming Poems

Not all poems have to rhyme. But introducing rhyming poems for kids is a great place to start teaching poetry writing. In English poem writing, rhyming challenges children and makes poetry writing fun.


Haikus are a poetry writing pattern that originated in Japan and has long since adapted to English poetry. Haikus follow the rule of 5-7-5, meaning five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in the third line.

Acrostic Poems

Acrostic poems are fun for teaching kids to write poetry. Ask the child to choose a word that will also be the subject of their poem, ask them to write this word vertically down the margin of the page with one letter in each line. Each line of their poem should begin with the letter written on that line.


Limericks are an amusing way of introducing poetry to kids. Usually, limericks are simple English poems that are witty and limited to five lines. They are easy to understand and excellent for piquing a child’s interest in poetry writing.

Free Verse

Free verse is a no-rules way of writing poetry; it gives children the freedom to express themselves without worrying about rhyme schemes of syllables. Free verse is perfect for teaching poetry writing to young kids because it gives them the freedom to explore the world of poetry writing without boundaries.

Ideas and Topics to write poems about

One of the biggest hurdles in writing poetry is deciding the topic. When teaching poetry writing to kids, think of new topics that relate to themselves or the world around them. Give them food for thought with some of the topics mentioned below -

Special Events in a Child’s Life

  • The child's birthday
  • A festival they like
  • Something they saw in the news

Everyday Things

  • The food they love to eat
  • Friends or family members (whom they know well)
  • Their favorite color, animal, or toy


  • Flowers
  • Rivers
  • Birds

An Unusual Perspective

  • What if fish could fly?
  • What if your pet dog could talk?
  • What if you were born a wizard, like Harry Potter?

People Around Them

  • Their favorite teacher
  • The postman
  • Their best friend

Creative Ways to Teach Poetry Writing to Kids

Teaching poetry writing to kids can be easy and fun. All you have to do is find creative ways to get your children interested in the creative process. Here are some ideas to teach poetry writing to kids -

1. Draw on Your Child’s Experiences in Real Life –

Use your child’s experiences and memories to rouse their imagination. Let kids use their day at the shopping mall or a train journey as a springboard to write their first poem.

2. Turn Poems to Pictures –

Ask your students to take up their favorite poem and illustrate it using their imagination. It helps children think creatively and understand the poem better.

3. Add Music to Poetry –

Ask the child to sing a song they like and write down the lyrics. Ask them to read the lyrics as if they were reading a poem. Reading song lyrics and investigating them helps children understand creative writing in poetry.

4. Teach Children the Drafting Process –

Write the first draft of a poem yourself and then give it to the children to improve. Working together to improve a poem is a poetry writing activity that teaches kids to think differently from the writer and use their creativity.

5. Free Writing –

A simple tip for poetry writing is to write without boundaries. When teaching kids to write poetry, allow them to write without overthinking about it. It helps build ideas and vocabulary.

6. Write with Your Child –

Writing together is a beautiful way to get kids to write. If you complete a poetry writing session alongside your child, it may inspire them to write a poem of their own.

7. Draft & Redraft a Poem –

Encourage peer feedback and have your students review each other’s poetry. It will encourage your students to read more poetry and develop better writing ideas. It will also teach them the importance of the drafting & redrafting process.

8. Visit the Outdoors for Inspiration -

Go out for a walk or a trek and use your time amidst nature as a means to find inspiration for poetry. Among other poetry writing techniques, seeking inspiration in nature is one of the most popular.

When introducing poetry to young children, it is essential to communicate your passion and love for poetry. Begin by reading poetry together and exploring the words of great English poets. Award them for any effort they make and encourage them to write as much as they can. Then, when you begin to teach poetry writing for kids, celebrate diversity and experience, or even lack of experience with your children.

If you think your child has a flair for writing poetry, we hope this article has helped you figure out how to nurture this talent. If you are still wondering how to offer better writing opportunities to your child at a young age, talk to our experts today!